The Moon Society uses discussion groups to communicate among its leaders, volunteers, and members. To power the discussion groups, we use a tool called Slack. This is where we conduct our business, work on projects, hold meetings, and chat. There’s usually someone there that can answer any questions you might have.
You’ll also need to access our Slack workspace if you are interested in attending our Online Chapter “Mare Crisium”.
You can follow the steps below to join us in the Moon Society Workspace:
The first step is to join the Moon Society Workspace. You put in your email and Slack will send you a verification request. Click “Confirm Email” and Slack will ask you to create an account. Once you’re done you will be sent to our Workspace. Be sure to say hi! We’re a friendly bunch.
You now have an account linked to our Workspace. You have several options for accessing it in the future.
You can connect with your Internet browser at moon-society.slack.com. The page will ask for the email address and password you used to create the account.
A more efficient way to use Slack is to download the app. You can use the links below to find the right app for your device.
Click on the Slack icon once the app has downloaded. Click the “Sign In” button. You will be sent to a webpage. Then enter “moon-society” to connect to our Workspace. The next page will ask for the email address and password you used to create the account. A window will pop up. Click “Open Link”. And now you’re using the app to access the Moon Society Workspace.