The 2024 Lunar Development Conference, call for papers

The call for papers is now open for the 2024 Lunar Development Conference, July 20-21, 2024. If you are interested in presenting at this virtual event, please send an email with topic to, containing title, a very brief abstract (see below for the format we will use in the booklet of abstracts) and your name and affiliation as you want it to appear in the program.

This year the conference will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Artemis Society International, one of the organisations that were part of creating the Moon Society. Thus, presentations looking back on what happened 30 years ago and how did it bring us to the current position with regards to Lunar Development are welcome. However, just as welcome are presentations looking into what can be done now to pave the way thriving lunar settlement in 2054!

The conference is open for Moon Society members and as such free to attend. If you are not already a member, that is an excellent excuse to become a member.


July 20-21: 2024 Lunar Development Conference
June 20: Abstract submission deadline


A Book of Abstracts will be compiled and made available as a pdf file. The Preliminary Book of Abstracts is available here, will be updated regularly as new contributions are approved and will remain available after the conference in its final form.

All presentations will be recorded and recordings made available on the Moon Society Youtube channel.

Instruction for Authors

It is the responsibility of the respective authors to provide a clear and succinct one page illustrated abstract for inclusion in the book of abstracts. Keynote presentations may

  1. The prefered submission format is a Word document on page size A4. Efforts will be made to accomodate contributions in other formats.
  2. Each presentation page should contain
    • A normal heading with the title of the presentation and the name, affiliation and contact info of the author(s). Should there be more than one author, the name of the presenter (only) should be bold.
    • A summary of the presentation, preferably including both text and one illustration.
    • A bio of the (main) author, including a photo of the presenting author(s) and contact info/affiliation. The contact info can be anything that will allow contact by interested attendees.

The deadline for abstract submission is June 20th, but submit earlier and your approved abstract will be included in the pre-conference online version!