A big thank you to all who participated in the conference, and most of all to the presenters who provided a broad overview of current ideas and efforts towards developing the Moon, as well as key insights of well presented deep knowledge within the topic. As most of you probably are aware, the recordings from LDC2024 have been available on the Moon Society Youtube channel for a while. Now, after a few minor adjustments, the LDC2024 Book of Abstracts is also available in final version. Note that this is not just a handy overview of the topics discussed but also a table of contents making it easier for anyone to find a presentation you missed or want to refresh your memory of.
Building on the success of 2024, we intend to extend LDC2025 over three days. Tentative dates and outline topics are shown below and updated content will be available as it comes in and in good time before the conference.
Note that themes and questions are very preliminary. Suggestions and comments regarding those are welcome, as well as ideas on who to reach out to for making a presentation. Who would you want to talk about Lunar Development? We can always ask. 🙂