Victor Tenorio Bio

Victor Tenorio

LDC 2023 Topic: Conceptual Layout of a Supervisory System for Moon Mine Production Monitoring and Data Analytics


The startup of mining operations on the Lunar surface will require continuous supervision to assure the extraction and transportation of icy regolith in sufficient quantities for the successful processing and production of water. Keeping the quality of the mining cycle for manned and autonomous equipment will require observation and analysis of the results during each production period to detect and execute adjustments. Much of this supervision will be done from a secure post, that could be either at the site, or from a remote location. While the detection and registration of events could be done using AI-based technologies, the display of real-time performance and data analytics must be designed for human operators, so critical changes and adjustments to productivity can be applied on time. Additional features such as tele-operation, portability to ruggedized tablets, Virtual Reality sub-systems and decision-making strategies are also considered. 


Victor Tenorio received a B.S. in Mining Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), and a M.S. degree from University of Alaska Fairbanks. He obtained a Ph.D. at University of Arizona, in Tucson in 2012. His research focuses on Decision Support Systems and Smart Mining for optimizing productivity. He has worked on several engineering projects in Peru and Chile and is currently a Professor of Practice at the University of Arizona, where he teaches Introduction to Mining Engineering, Underground Mine Design, Mine Examination & Valuation, Digital Mining and Introduction to Moon Mining. He also participated in the Autonomous Mining Program with Freeport-McMoRan until December 2008. He has been Program Chair for the VII International Mining Industry Summit on Business Process Improvement in 2015 and was co-developer of the Executive Mining Program for 2016-2017. In 2021 he began coaching the Wildcat Moon Miners, a team of undergraduate and graduate students participating in competitions related to Moon Mining sponsored by NASA.