Madison Feehan Bio

Madison Feehan

LDC 2023 Topic: Space Copy: Developing Infrastructure in Space Using ISRU


How to develop and mature hardware tech for 3D printing in space.


As the COO and co-founder of Space Copy, Madison’s work in lunar manufacturing is driving change and bringing spotlight to the need for sustainability in space. Madison is an employee of NASA, with a background in lunar instrument development for planetary science; and leading the change for STEM engagement of early career professionals.

She has an education based in business technology management and holds a specialization in entrepreneurship and innovation from Harvard Business School. Madison has volunteered her expertise in data analysis techniques to support many open science programs for NASA, ESA, and the US government, as well as many international contributions to programs led by CERN and NSF, and is a member of several lunar consortiums, including Moon Trades, a syndicate of space entrepreneurs and scholars developing technology and research to support space robotics.