
It will only happen when YOU make it happen!

Updated December 2021

The Moon Society is staffed entirely by volunteers. The willingness of members to contribute their time and effort to supporting and growing the Moon Society is critical to the success of the organization.  We are always looking for additional volunteers to help out in critical areas of the Moon Society.  If you have a few minutes (or hours!) a week that you can devote to Moon Society activities, and are willing to commit to completing tasks that you take on, we can use your help!

Benefits of volunteering

  • Connect with other Lunar and space settlement/development enthusiasts.
  • Learn new skills.
  • Have fun working with other space nerds/geeks.
  • Be a part of making Lunar settlements a reality!

How to Volunteer

There are several ways you can let us know that you are ready to get to work:

  • Join us in our Slack workspace and say hi in #commons or #moon! Someone will definitely say hi back!
  • Send an e-mail to leaders@moonsociety.org with a description of what area you would like to volunteer in.  You will be contacted as soon as possible with instructions on how to get involved.
  • You can contact the current Membership Coordinator, Ben Smith, at ben@moonsociety.org.

Guidelines for Volunteers

  1. Take on only what tasks you reasonably expect to be able to accomplish in a reasonable period of time. If coordinating one whole area of activity is more than you can handle, inquire about how the workload could be divided and look for a supporting role with which you are comfortable. Alternately, as a coordinator you could identify and define all the tasks that you would like to delegate to volunteers working with you.
  2. Try to respond promptly to communications regarding tasks that you are working on.
  3. If you are unable to complete a task, try to find someone else to take over the task, or contact someone in the Moon Society staff about finding a replacement.
  4. Provide regular status reports to your team leader or Moon Society staff about tasks that you are working on.

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteers are needed to take both lead and supporting roles in the following areas:

Leadership opportunities

  • Volunteer Coordinator – Responsible for helping volunteers find the best opportunities for them, resolving volunteer issues, conducting campaigns to find more volunteers, and assigning volunteers where they are need the most.
  • Membership Coordinator – Responsible for conducting campaigns to increase membership, maintaining the membership database, helping members resolve membership issues, and overseeing/increasing membership benefits. Also leads the Membership Team.
  • Communications Coordinator – Help plan and execute our communications strategy. Responsible for communicating with members, actively using our social media accounts, and interacting with other media outlets. Also tasked with leading the Communications Team.
  • Publications Coordinator – The Moon Society has a tradition of producing high-quality publications. Help us keep it going by leading our Publications Team.
  • Event Calendar Coordinator – The Society wants to maintain a comprehensive calendar of Luna-specific events and needs someone (or someones) to do it.
  • Information Technology Coordinator – In charge of keeping this website, Lunarpedia, and other technology assets up-to-date and functioning. Tasked with leading the IT Team.
  • Fundraising Coordinator – More money means we can do more stuff. Help us expand the Society’s efforts to make Lunar settlement possible. This position also leads the Fundraising Team.
  • Chapters Coordinator – Help Chapter Leaders and their local chapters succeed.
    • Chapter Leader – Start a Chapter for your local area. Meet with like-minded people to talk about Lunar development and settlement.
    • Virtual Chapter Leader – Take over running Mare Cognitum!
  • Officers and Board of Directors – We hold elections every year for these leadership positions. Officers and Board members vote on issues that directly affect the Moon Society. Anyone who will be a member for at least a year prior to the election can run for any office. The more active in the Society you are, the better your chances of getting elected. It’s never too early to start laying the foundation.
    • Leadership Council – The Leadership Council is a non-prestigious working group of advisors to the Board. It consists of all current Coordinators, Directors, and Officers; past holders of those positions who are still active in the Moon Society; and other key volunteers.

Join a team

  • Mare Cognitum Team[ON HOLD] Tasked with running and improving the Moon Society’s Virtual Chapter. This is a great way to volunteer if you like attending our monthly meetings.
  • Membership Team – Tasked with finding and implementing membership benefits.
  • Communications Team – Tasked with public outreach, press releases, social media posts, and all other external and internal communications.
  • Publications Team – Tasked with creating content for the Moon Society website, Moon Miner Manifesto, and other Society publications.
  • Web & IT Team – Tasked with performing required maintenance and upgrades to Society IT assets including our primary Website, Lunarpedia, Luna City Press, Lunar Traders, TLRC.space and other society web presences.
  • Fundraising Team – Tasked with executing the Society’s fundraising activities.

Project opportunities

  • Lunarpedia – Do research and create content for our flagship wiki.
    • Researchers
    • Writers
    • Artists
  • Moon Miner Manifesto
  • Lunar Development Conference 2024 – Help us plan and execute this year’s conference.
  • The Artemis Project

Note to Retired Persons and Others with Surplus Free Time

The only reason that the Society is able to accomplish as much as it does with volunteers is through the services of retired members who have found time-consuming tasks for the benefit of the Society, a productive and rewarding way to spend some of their extra hours. If you are retired or otherwise not employed but with an income, please consider what you might do to fill hours while performing badly needed services to the Society.