The following additional presenters have been confirmed for the 2020 Lunar Development Conference, which will occur on Sunday, July 19 and Monday, July 20th as an all-virtual event.
- Rick Tumlinson, co-founder of Space Frontier Foundation, New Worlds Institute, and SpaceFund – Rick organized & keynoted the first Lunar Development Conference (in the year 2000) and we are thrilled that he will participate in this year’s event, twenty years later.
- Emily Law, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory – NASA’s Moon Trek
- Philip Crume, Chairman, The Moon Society – Lunar Settlement: The Idea Whose Time Has Come
- Sara Jennings, University of Colorado Boulder – The Next Generation of Lunar Rovers
- Vincent Roux, Off Planet Research – Icy Moon: Origins, Nature, Challenge, and Promise
- Melissa Roth, Off Planet Research – Lunar Regolith: Optimizing a Challenge
- Elizabeth Kennick, Teachers in Space – Standardized Classroom Cubekits
- Michelle Hanlon, For All Moonkind – Heritage and the Artemis Accords
- Jim Plaxco, Chicago Society for Space Studies – The Sustainability of a Lunar Economy
- Joel. C. Sercel, TransAstra Corporation – Lunar Polar Propellant Mining Outpost (LPMO)
- Chris Richardson, WorldVistA – Bootstrapping Lunar Engineering
- Pete Bonasso, TRACLabs – CASE: A HAL 9000 for a Lunar Outpost
There’s still time for you to submit an abstract if you would like to present, and attendee registration is open as well.