There is now a direct link on the Moon Society front page to Lunar Enterprise Daily, an online report on moon-relevant space developments published at 12:00 Hawaii Standard Time for the following day’s edition every business day, that is, five days a week, barring holidays.
LED’s inaugural issue was November 4, 1999. It was originally available as a subscription service ($295 per year, $595 for organizations.) But thanks to increasing revenues from advertising, LED became freely available earlier this year.
The man behind LED and Space Age Publishing [SAP] which puts it out, is Steve Durst, a long time ASI and Moon Society member, and currently a Moon Society Advisor. SAP was founded in Palo Alto, CA in 1977 and opened an office in Hawaii on Hawai’i Island in 1988.
SAP pursues a business plan for its third office on the Moon. With its Lunar Enterprise Corporation subsidiary, Space Age advances and supports a wide variety of scientific, commercial and international lunar activities and enterprises – such as the International Lunar Observatory – consistent with a human return to the Moon within the decade. Space Age also promotes Hawaii Space Tours, Stanford on the Moon and the Ad Astra Kansas initiatives — To The Stars”
We hope you enjoy and appreciate the availability of this news service. LED has consistently reported significant Moon Society Developments and frequently reports on major Moon Miners’ Manifesto articles and editorials. The LED link is immediately above the Today’s Space Science News feed in the lower center of our front page. Get in the habit of clicking through every time you visit our home page!