To many casual observers, the Moon Society and its website may seem to be in a state of suspended animation. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, there are web pages that might need updating, and please do us a favor and call our attention to that so we can promptly correct our oversight.
Write a note to Subject: web page needs to be updated
That’ll do it!
We have taken a lot of measures to help new members and older ones to keep up with our efforts.
The Moon Society News section in the center part of our homepage posts major announcements.
The monthly, or almost monthly, Frontlines Report, the one with the prominent bold yellow font just below the above announcements, tries to keep members posted of all that is going on in the Society and there is quite a bit.
So click on that each time a new report is filed. The month of the report is stated boldly, so that you will know the report is new or not.
We inaugurated online Town Meetings this year. At first we thought of doing this once every three months. But the response to the first one was so unexpectedly strong that we are doing it monthly now on the second Wednesday evening. Check the Frontlines Report for instructions to take part. Everyone’s 2¢ is more than welcome. The Town Meeting is “Fresh Ideas City.”
As this month’s August Frontlines indicates, we continue to get some publicity (yes, we wish it was more and more often) and the scope of our operations are now becoming truly international with efforts in India, and Chile, as well as ongoing projects in Sweden and elsewhere.
Our Online Solar Power Beaming Demonstration Kit should be up in a few weeks.
We are working on putting together Essay Contests, Design Workshops and Competitions, a second and improved Apollo Moon Party focused on the Apollo 13 near disaster (Theme; “Human Space Exploration is worth the Risk”) and much much more.
What we can achieve or even undertake is limited to the number of active members. Currently, some 10-15% of our members are active in one way or another, a figure much higher than in other space activist societies.
If you want to help, we want to find a way to empower you to do so. Just send us a message. Tell us about your special interests, abilities and aptitudes, and what you would like to add, or what ongoing efforts you would like to join in. Tell us what buttons to push, and we’ll try to do just that.
. Just drop a casual note to
And, one more thing. We’re looking for a catchy name for our blog. Got a suggestion? Let’s hear it. I’m sure that we’ll get a ton of good ideas.
And now, there are teasers for recent blogs on our homepage. Just scroll down the center section, and … there you go!
To the stars!
Peter Kokh, President