March 10, 2021
PASADENA, MD — The Moon Society conducted a contest for the best design of a near-term Lunar Settlement using current or very-near-future technologies. The goal of the contest was to showcase engineering-focused Moon Base designs as part of our organization’s activities and events. The contest was open to all and featured many high quality submissions from individuals and teams.
In February, our panel of expert judges convened to review the submissions. They were ranked according to the factors of Engineering, Economic, Architectural, Society/Culture, and Management/Politics.
All entrants have been invited to present their designs at our Lunar Development Conference which will be held virtually on July 10-11, 2021.
The judges selected the following awardees:
1st Place – $1000 Prize
DIA – Domi Inter Astra with 3-D Images: External Context, Exterior View, Crew Bedroom, Social Space, Workspace
Authors: Space Generation Advisory Council Team
Alice Sueko Müller | Anshoo Mehra | Chaitnya Chopra | Ekaterina Seltikova
Isabel Alonso Serrano | James Xie | Jay Kamdar | Julie Pradel | Kunal Kulkarni
Matej Poliaček | Myles Harris | Nitya Jagadam | Richal Abhang | Ruvimbo Samanga | Sagarika Rao Valluri
Sanket Kalambe | Sejal Budholiya | Selene Cannelli

2nd Place – $500 Prize
Hermes Moon Base report with Video Introduction
Author: Carl Greenbaum

3rd Place – $250 Prize
Argo Base with additional images: Overhead, Phase1-1, ECLSS Diagram, Hydroponics: image1, image2, image3, and Level Sequence: image1, image2, image3, image4.
Author: The Futurist Foundation – Naeem England, Andonis P., Devon Steinkoenig, Zac Rudge, Matt Engel, and J. Cadien “Cade” Johnson, III, (Ed.).

Honorable Mention

For this award, Ellie receives a free membership with the Moon Society
These entrants made the initial cut and were among the pool considered for the top three awards. They are listed in the order of final rankings by the judges.

Xors Moon Base – Innspace Team – Justyna Pelc, Piotr Torchała, Magdalena Łabowska,
Beata Suscicka, Łukasz Sokołowski, Małgorzata Popiel, Hubert Gross, Arkadiusz Kołodziej, Ewa Borowska, Aleksan- ´
dra Wilczynska, Michał Garus, Cyrus Sidor, and Marcin Zielinski Base Rendering

Prosperity Lunar Station – Nexus Aurora, and Space Medicine and Life Science (SMLS) of SGAC – Devjoy Dev, Nissem Abdeljelil, Shaun Miller, Aurora Britania Díaz Fernández, Fiorella Karla Nava Chuctaya, Arinjoy Dev, Swaraj Sagar Pradhan, Nataly Yauricasa

Insight Moonbase – Kent Nebergall Graphics Journal

Moon Stone Henge – Dr. Samer El Sayary

Project Shackleton – Shuhan Zheng, Photini Pantelopoulos, Jake Therien, Isabelle Tam
FOCARIS – Yasmina Eid-Macheh Sánchez, Juan José García Valverde, Dr. Jesús Martínez-Frías

Other Entrants
Selenne X-1 – Wildcat Moon Miners