The Moon Society Congratulates SpaceX on Today’s Launch of Starship SN8

Pasadena, MD – The Moon Society, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit space advocacy organization, is pleased to offer our congratulations to Elon Musk and the team at SpaceX for today’s successful test of Starship Serial Number 8 (SN8).  While the landing did not go as expected, the test flight achieved all planned milestones and captured data which will inform the team for the next attempts.

We have been following with great interest the Starship project since its inception, and we are hopeful that someday the technology will help build the architecture for a thriving cislunar economy and contribute to humankind’s return to the Moon, this time to stay.

The Moon Society was founded in 2000 by the principals of an earlier effort known as the Artemis Project.  Founded in 1994, the Artemis Project is the first serious plan to build a commercial lunar settlement.  The Moon Society is currently conducting a Moon Base Design Contest with a $1,000 cash prize and submissions due on January 15, 2021, to reinvigorate our role as a leader in the commercial lunar settlement design community.  We invite everybody worldwide to join our organization and contribute to humanity’s future in place.