January 17, 2007 — We introduced the first fifteen members of the Moon Society’s new Board of Advisors in our November 28, 2004 report and in the December issue of Moon Miners’ Manifesto #181, page 11. Since then, we added five more on March 2, 2005. Now we are happy to report the addition of four more people to the Board of Advisors. They are:
Tom Greenwalt, Minnesota Space Frontier Society, creator and maintainer of the Moon Society Blog
Michael Bakk, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Calgary Space Workers Society, which is working on a “mobile-modular” lunar demonstrator outpost, planned for deployment in the Drumheller badlands, NNE of Calgary.
Jesus Raygoza, currently living in Colorado. founder of NSS Guadalajara and the Mexican Space Society, also principal proponent of the MexLunarHab analog station project.
Larry J. Friesen, Houston, TX. Larry has contributed a number of articles to Moon Miners’ Manifesto over the years, and has been of invaluable assistance to the editor on technical issues. With a PhD from Rice University in Space Physics and Astronomy, he has years of experience in the aerospace world working for contractors at Johnson Space Center.
Moon Society Advisors are governed by the Moon Society Bylaws, Article VIII – Board of Advisors and Other Bodies